Thursday, October 4, 2007


a three foot drop onto crushed sandstone is fatal to a cell phone.

story: while getting out of my (hott) truck i dropped my phone. from 3 feet. and it cracked the screen.

also: don't take kids from idaho to bars.

story: i went to kennedy's last night with friends curly and doc to watch another friend play a gig. doc is totally chill and more liberal, and curly is a sheltered farmboy. doc and i sat back and kicked it, while curly was too nervous to sit still. seriously, 25 years old and never been in a bar??? he text me (because it was too loud to talk) that he felt like he was in the great and spacious building. i about peed myself laughing at him. unfortunatley for him, i was driving, so doc and i made him suffer a little while longer.

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