Wednesday, October 17, 2007


i have had some excessive list-making going on lately out of sheer necessity. i am leaving in less than a week, and today mum informed me, "i hope you have everything you need, because i have no idea what's going on." so inspiring. basically, i am alone in my preparation. turns out, i have a plethora of shirts. this may or may not be a good thing.
in the drama department, frog text me the other night and told me not to go, that he wants me back. it made me heartsick. i KNOW i need to go, and that he and i were not the best for each other. we fight, we are rude, and we bring out the worst in each other. why would i want that forever? no thank you. but for some reason, i can never completely stop thinking about him. it drives me crazy. because i think that i may still love him. or at least i love being in love with him. i love the twitterpated feeling i get when he has called or text. i love our inside jokes. i love teasing him. yesterday, as i was driving with my mum, she and i were discussing mr. x and his relationship with mal, and she told me about this book she had read about love as an addiction. not that all love is just an addiction, but that sometimes, a relationship is toxic, but you are so wrapped up in it and how the good parts make you feel that you will continue to destroy yourself for that "high." x and mal's relationship is definitely a toxic addiction for them. i am wondering if mine and frog's relationship is as well. with part of me i hope that he gets married while i'm gone so i won't have to deal with anything when i get back. aargh.

but then again, every time i talk to him, i want to be with him. [note: i say i love you. and love ya. and love you. a lot. if i have said it to you once, i have no problem restating it, as i think it is not used nearly enough. people need to know they are loved. so everytime i say love you, it is not necessarily "i love you i want to marry you" but quite possibly "i love yo you are my friend and i want the sun to shine kindly upon you and for you to be happy always] tonight, as we were wrapping up our conversation, he told me he loved me too. he hasn't done that in approximately 10 months. tonight we also (somewhat) jokingly talked about getting married when i get home. and i want to.

i am so anxious. and frustrated. and excited. and scared. and happy. and emotional. i wish i could just leave tomorrow, and not have to deal with boy drama.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


six fascinating little known things about me.

1. i have never missed a vocab question on any standardized test, EVER. so i can beat you at scrabble.

2. i once "stole" $550 from my mom's checking account. it was an accident. i used the wrong card to pay for a young ambassador's camp when i was 14, and she was pretty mad. oops.

3. i am deathly afraid of meat slicers. i cut my finger on one at work and needed stitches about a year ago. since then, i can't be in the room while a slicer is in operation. i freak out, because i fear that someone is going to loose a body part while i am standing there. for this reason i can't go into port-of-subs.

4. i would love to be a food critic. i love food. i love to cook. i love to eat. i love to write about things. i observe.

5. eating lunch alone in public is a favorite of mine. i love just watching people and their interactions with each other. always in my mind, and sometimes in a notebook or on napkins, i create characters and stories out of those i observe.

6. i sleep diagonally across beds. i feel sorry for my future husband because of this.

Friday, October 5, 2007


nike's got it right: just do it.

you know how much you want to.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


a three foot drop onto crushed sandstone is fatal to a cell phone.

story: while getting out of my (hott) truck i dropped my phone. from 3 feet. and it cracked the screen.

also: don't take kids from idaho to bars.

story: i went to kennedy's last night with friends curly and doc to watch another friend play a gig. doc is totally chill and more liberal, and curly is a sheltered farmboy. doc and i sat back and kicked it, while curly was too nervous to sit still. seriously, 25 years old and never been in a bar??? he text me (because it was too loud to talk) that he felt like he was in the great and spacious building. i about peed myself laughing at him. unfortunatley for him, i was driving, so doc and i made him suffer a little while longer.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


the doctor is in :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007


i love office supplies. especially when they are combined as seen here: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

other things that make my day:
mulletsPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

and polygamist hair at DIPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


seriously, get up the first time

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


telling yourself to only eat four starbursts is not very effective unless you hide the rest of the package.

Monday, September 24, 2007


new friends rock. speaking of rocks, never attempt to traverse a rock field while wearing 3 inch heels.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


i frequently forget about zippers. this is not a good thing.

Friday, September 14, 2007


i cannot stand itchiness. never before did i notice, but now every little thing itches me to no end.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


where were you six years ago today?

Monday, September 10, 2007


what this summer has taught me:

A is for Africa. The coolest place any of my friends took their holiday.
B is for Belly. My sister's is getting larger.
C is for Commitment. Some are much more afraid of it than they let on.
D is for Dancing. Like a child, barefoot in the grass during a rainstorm.
E is for Eloping. It was suggested many times.
F is for Friends. Friends in far off places.
G is for Grandad. I didn't expect to loose him, and I miss him.
H is for Healing. Scars from physical injury fade quickly in comparison to the ones on our hearts.
I is for Ice Cream. It soothes the soul.
J is for ______. The fight couldn't keep us apart.
K is for Kids. And seeing 'mine' grow up.
L is for Lovesac. $100 well spent.
M is for Marriage. Everyone's doing it.
N is for Nauvoo. Not being cast turned out for the better.
O is for Orem Summerfest. The beginning of my summer.
P is for Paparazzi. I am glad not to be photographed surreptitiously.
Q is for Quiet. Something lacking in my household.
R is for Revelation. We are so blessed to have a Prophet who speaks with God. We can also receive personal revelation.
S is for Studio. The recording studio is not a place to have the giggles or a poor attitude.
T is for Tan. I had one, but it went away. Curse offices!
U is for Unknown. What I am venturing into.
V is for Volunteering at the MTC. If only I'd known how is would change my perspectives.
W is for Washington. A beautiful state, but now makes me a little sad to think about.
X is for XOXO. Never enough.
Y is for Young Single Adults. A depressing ward, which is why I resorted to my home ward teaching sunbeams.
Z is for Zach Efron. My little sister's reaction to his first appearance in Hairspray made my day.

Friday, August 31, 2007



Wednesday, August 29, 2007


it saddens me to hear that my favourite movie actor attempted to take his own life. you never can tell what someone is feeling on the inside, or how sad they are.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


never go shopping with someone who thinks you look amazing in just about everything.

Friday, August 17, 2007


the 'truth restored' commercials make talking about the gospel so much easier. is awesome.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


high school cliques are quickly reorganized at social events four years later.

Monday, August 6, 2007


some shoes don't stretch even after worn running through the sprinklers.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


the ones you never suspect are usually most guilty.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


you don't realize just how important someone is to you until they're gone.