Monday, September 10, 2007


what this summer has taught me:

A is for Africa. The coolest place any of my friends took their holiday.
B is for Belly. My sister's is getting larger.
C is for Commitment. Some are much more afraid of it than they let on.
D is for Dancing. Like a child, barefoot in the grass during a rainstorm.
E is for Eloping. It was suggested many times.
F is for Friends. Friends in far off places.
G is for Grandad. I didn't expect to loose him, and I miss him.
H is for Healing. Scars from physical injury fade quickly in comparison to the ones on our hearts.
I is for Ice Cream. It soothes the soul.
J is for ______. The fight couldn't keep us apart.
K is for Kids. And seeing 'mine' grow up.
L is for Lovesac. $100 well spent.
M is for Marriage. Everyone's doing it.
N is for Nauvoo. Not being cast turned out for the better.
O is for Orem Summerfest. The beginning of my summer.
P is for Paparazzi. I am glad not to be photographed surreptitiously.
Q is for Quiet. Something lacking in my household.
R is for Revelation. We are so blessed to have a Prophet who speaks with God. We can also receive personal revelation.
S is for Studio. The recording studio is not a place to have the giggles or a poor attitude.
T is for Tan. I had one, but it went away. Curse offices!
U is for Unknown. What I am venturing into.
V is for Volunteering at the MTC. If only I'd known how is would change my perspectives.
W is for Washington. A beautiful state, but now makes me a little sad to think about.
X is for XOXO. Never enough.
Y is for Young Single Adults. A depressing ward, which is why I resorted to my home ward teaching sunbeams.
Z is for Zach Efron. My little sister's reaction to his first appearance in Hairspray made my day.

1 comment:

Chillygator said...

I love your E. When I turned in my papers I told everyone that if I got called to Japan I was eloping with the first guy who met me in Vegas (at that point in my life I had a very that probably would have been there). Glad I wasn't called to Japan.

I bought a Lovesac recently too. Man, those things are wonderful.